
In a world with an increase in ubiquitous technologies, the way we interact with these products should be considered. Endless technological possibilities cause the relation between form, interaction, and function to fade. I believe products should be non-intrusive, self-explanatory and intuitive. They should use the full human potential and aim for a perceptual-motor-skill oriented interaction.
I design the dynamic qualities of products: interactions, behaviors, intelligence, experiences, and social change. These dynamic qualities are essential in the creation of value for the user. In a time in which there is an overflow of products this intangible value is what makes your design stand out. Therefore I believe the future of design is in the dynamics of products. Products should adapt to every situation and be open-ended in order for the user to find value.  

“The future of design is in the dynamics of products.”

Intuitive & rich interaction.

I believe in guiding the consumer through the use and functionality of a product in a non-cognitive and intuitive manner. I do this by restoring the relation between form, function, and interaction.
I think of movement and behavior as a powerful tool to restore this relation.


Current technologies demand our attention through blinking lights and loud beeps. I believe this is a rude and impractical way of communication. Therefore I design non-intrusive, peripheral, and calm products that inform the user in a natural way.

Full human potential.

People are very good at perceiving and processing information on a non-cognitive level. Within my designs I use the strength of people's perceptual-motor-skills to create intuitive and expressive products. This means I strive to make physical products that stimulate the senses.

Open-ended adaptability.

Within my designs I aim for a balance between structure and limitation, and openness and personalization. I believe by creating open-ended adaptable products, the user is able to find personal value and meaning in the design.